Sunday, March 9, 2008


Here are some of the things I've worked on lately:

This is something I made for my friend Jill's birthday. I'm pretty pleased with it...I like the vibrancy of the colors and how the wings turned out. They took a lot of experimentation! The body is perhaps a little awkward, though.

These are some logos I made for my company, eShow. None of them were selected to be used, but I enjoyed working on them and think I created a few interesting configurations.

This is a mascot/icon thing I features an e-symbol like the logos, but could be used for little animations and such on our website. I'm working on some further versions now.

I call this one "The Naked Ninja". Just a quick sketch, but I like it. She's a little musclebound for a woman, but she IS a ninja.

This is the first thing I drew with my computer drawing pad. He started out as just a kind of austere man, but I saw the vampire in him.

My biggest influence in learning to draw with a computer drawing pad is Seamas Gallagher, whose blog you can view here. He's a master!

B :0)